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NexGen Mekong Scientists (NexGen) aims to empower early career scientists and professionals in the Mekong Region to increase science-policy engagement, build working relationships among future leaders, and foster responsible and sustainable stewardship of the Mekong River Basin and its natural resources. NexGen is focused on promoting interdisciplinary approaches to the complex multilateral challenges faced within the Mekong Region drawing from disciplines within STEM, including the social sciences. NexGen has three main avenues for achieving these goals: 1) Partnerships between Mekong-region early career scientists and professionals and ongoing US-funded research for short-term fellowships; 2) Participation in regional events like the Mekong Research Symposium and organization of a Hackathon, where early career scientists and professionals will brainstorm and collaborate on proposed research topics; and 3) Funding to attend and present at relevant international meetings/conferences. 

NexGen Mekong Scientists (NexGen) program is operated and administered by Department of Interior International Technical Assistance Program (DOI-ITAP).  

The NexGen program is funded by the US Department of State. Throughout its implementation, the program will seek additional funding with the goal of sustainability and broad impact.  

What is NexGen?: About Us
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